Women's Bible Study

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

– Psalm 119:105

10:00 am Wednesday - ON BREAK TILL FALL 

 6:30 pm Wednesday - ON BREAK TILL FALL

Room D-102  |  At Central
(same room for am & pm)

Intergenerational Women

Studying the Bible results in personal transformation. Studying the Bible with other women brings additional insights into how God is at work in women's lives.

You are invited to spend time with new friends, time with God through prayer, and time in His word as we connect the dots of life together. God intended for us to do life together and Life Groups are a place where you are accepted for who you are, while being encouraged to become the best you can be.

Come grow in Christ as we seek to be transformed and live on mission with Him touching the world with His love.

Gwen Hager & Carol Loftis – Group Facilitators

Fred and Gwen have been at Central for a little over a year and followers of Christ for many years.

They have two grown children with eight grandchildren.

Fred loves playing piano and enjoys ping pong. Both love times with family and friends, and taking cruises.
David & Carol have been at Central for three years, and followers of Jesus for over 40 years.

They have three grown children and five grandchildren - the joy of their lives!  

They love to hang out with coffee, play games, take walks and play a variety of games, sports and theater.